St Patrick's Church Patrington

The East Window


The East Window

The East Window was installed in the late nineteenth century and commemorates the Rev. Francis Sheppard B.D., Rector for the twenty-six years from 1858 to 1884.

Beginning at the top of the arch, the two figures at the apex are St. Patrick and St, George.  Beneath them, the next two rows are the Apostles, in the order (left to right) Simon Zelotes, Jude, Andrew, Peter, James the lesser and Matthias in the upper row; and Matthew, Thomas, James the greater, John, Philip and Bartholomew in the lower row.

The next level of (and the largest) panels take their inspiration from the Revelation to John and have Christ enthroned in glory, with crown, orb and sceptre, in the centre.  The immediate flanking panels have angels with censers, with the symbols of the four Evangelists at the base - a man (Matthew), a winged lion (Mark), a winged bull (Luke) and an eagle (John).  The outer four panels contain the twenty-four Elders, with crowns.  The text in the curving strapline above them is the King James Bible version of Revelation Chapter 4 verse 11, with which the Elders worship the Lord -  “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power; for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created”.

The lowest seven panels contain elements of Jesus' ministry.  From left to right, the first is Him welcoming children, titled "Of such is the kingdom of heaven"; the second the Last Supper, titled "This do in remembrance of Me"; the third is Jesus on the Via Dolorosa, titled "He hath borne our griefs"; the fourth is the Crucifixion, titled "Behold the Lamb of God"; the fifth is Jesus' Resurrection, titled "I am the resurrection and the life"; the sixth is Jesus' Ascension, titled "I go to prepare a place for you" and the seventh is Pentecost, titled "They were all filled with the Holy Ghost"

The dedication across the bottom of the window reads:-

"Ad majorem Dei gloriam et in piam memoriam Fraunsisci Sheppard BD Collegii de Clare apud Cantabrigiensis olim socii et hujus Ecclesiae per xxvi annos Rectoris obiit die xviii mens Mart MDCCCLXXXIV."

A colloquial English translation:-

"To the greater glory of God and in blessed memory of Francis Sheppard B.D., once a member of Clare College, Cambridge, Rector of this church for 26 years, who died on 18 March 1884"

There are many interesting details and imagery in this window, perhaps best observed with binoculars from the nave on a cloudy but bright day.  Examples include the Virgin Mary and St. John at the foot of the cross, the medieval armour of the solders, the acronyms "SPQR" and "INRI", and the guards recoiling in fear at the Resurrection. 

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