St Patrick's Church Patrington

English Heritage listing

(south side, off)
15/45 Church of St Patrick

Parish church. Largely first half of C14, with later C14 - early C15 spire and east window; incorporates reused C12-C13 masonry and north-west pier base.

Restorations of 1866 and 1885. Vaulting to west aisle of south transept inserted in 1888, to nave south aisle in 1900, and to nave north aisle in 1902.

Limestone ashlar. Lead roofs throughout, apart from flagstone roofs to porches, Lady Chapel and transept stair turrets.


Cruciform plan: central tower, 4-bay aisled nave with north and south porches, 2-bay aisled transepts (that to south with canted bay to east Lady Chapel, that to north with north door), 4-bay chancel with sacristy adjoining to north.

Stepped moulded plinth, angle buttresses and buttresses between bays with offsets, gargoyles and crocketed pinnacles, (those to transepts also with trefoiled ogee niches beneath crocketed ogee hoodmoulds with head stops above first offset), moulded sill string course, coped parapets and gables throughout.

Nave north and south aisles: pointed 3-light windows with flowing tracery, large pointed 5-light transomed west window with curvilinear tracery in moulded reveal with grotesques, flanked by buttresses and pointed 2-light aisle windows with curvilinear tracery in
double-chamfered reveals.

North porch: single-storey, gableted angle buttresses with crocketed coping supporting crocketed pinnacles, pointed roll-moulded arch of 2 orders with hoodmould and head stops beneath coped gable with cross finial; 3-bay roof with pointed wave-moulded ribs carried on stiff-leaf corbels; pointed inner arch of 2 filleted orders.

South porch: 2 storeys, angle buttresses and pointed roll-moulded outer arch similar to north porch, small square-headed traceried 2-light window above; pointed inner arch of 2 filleted orders.

Transepts: west stair turrets to north and south angles with slit lights and octagonal roofs; pointed 2-light east and west windows, those to north transept with partly-restored curvilinear tracery, those to south transept with reticulated and geometric tracery, all with moulded mullions in double-chamfered reveals.

South transept: central canted east bay Lady Chapel has buttresses, pointed 2-light windows to each side with reticulated tracery, ornate roll-moulded mullions and reveals, beneath moulded string course and hipped roof; south side has pointed 2-light west aisle window with geometric tracery, pointed 3-light east aisle window with geometric tracery and filleted shafts with foliate capitals to reveal, and buttresses flanking large pointed 4-light transomed central window with geometric tracery, shafted mullions and filleted shafts with foliate capitals to reveal, beneath a pointed fillet-moulded arch, crow-stepped string course and parapet with traceried oculus to gable behind.

North transept, north side: pointed 2-light aisle windows with moulded mullions and geometric tracery in double-chamfered reveals, buttresses flanking small central segmental-pointed door of 2 keeled orders with carved keystone bearing figure of Christ beneath crocketed ogee arch, in open gabled porch with filleted jambs and large carved lion and eagle corbels supporting stone roof with crenellated parapets and crocketed gable with restored finial; pointed 4-light transomed window above, with geometric tracery and filleted reveal, flanked by pair of head-corbel image brackets with moulded trefoiled canopies, beneath pointed fillet-moulded arch of 2 orders, crocketed gabled string course with carved finial, and parapet. 

Chancel: pointed 3-light windows with alternating reticulated and flowing tracery, filleted reveals and mullions, some restored; segmental pointed north door of 2 keeled orders with hoodmould and head stops; large pointed 7-light east window with filleted reveal, blind arcading of cinquefoiled arches below the transom with carved spandrels and shield bases to the mullions and Perpendicular tracery to window above. All windows with hoodmoulds and head stops.

Sacristy: buttresses, small square-headed 3-light mullioned east window.

3-stage tower: angle buttresses, moulded string courses between stages; single east and west lancets and clockfaces to second stage; third stage with 4-bay blind arcades of pointed moulded arches, the central pairs containing square-headed louvred belfry openings;
moulded string course with gargoyles, coped parapet. Crocketed angle pinnacles with flying buttresses supporting octagonal corona screen of cinquefoiled arches between pinnacled shafts, around base of octagonal spire with ball finial and weathercock. Interior. Moulded sill string course throughout.


Nave arcades of pointed moulded arches of 3 filleted orders, with filleted hoodmoulds and head stops, on compound piers with filleted principle shafts, moulded bases and ornate naturalistic foliate carving to capitals, apart from plain moulded capitals to west responds and capitals to the 2 south-west piers with foliate bands and paterae. North-west pier
stands on sections of large base for C13 compound pier with keeled shafts, apparently in situ. Carved beast head corbels above arcades.

Aisles have segmental moulded arches to north and south doors, original carved corbels
and springers carrying inserted sexpartite vaulting, and stone benches, that to north incorporating re-set C13 dogtooth moulding, that to south with pair of re-set C13 graveslabs with incised crosses in round-arched recesses.

Parvis to south porch has stone staircase from aisle, pointed 2-light window with reticulated tracery above south door, and 3-bay roof with pointed chamfered ribs.

Crossing has pointed arches of 3 filleted orders on large compound piers with 3 smaller shafts between angle shafts, all filleted and with foliate capitals. Inner face of tower has blind arcading to north and south with 3 bays of pointed arches on head corbels, with head corbels supporting arch-braced wall posts to tower floor.

Transepts: 3-bay arcades similar to nave arcades with carved figure corbels above; pointed filleted arches from aisles to crossing on compound filleted responds with foliate

North transept: corbels and springers for unfinished vaulting, 3 trefoiled piscinas to east with hoodmoulds and carved heads to bowls, pointed chamfered door to stair turret with small square-headed door above.

South transept: arch to crossing flanked by corbelled platforms to doors with bold nailhead-moulded surrounds and steps above arch forming bold zigzag moulding with carved figures and grotesque. East aisle has trefoiled piscinas to south and east with hoodmould and head stops, original sexpartite vaulting with filleted ribs and foliate bosses, supported on wall
shafts with foliate capitals.

Lady Chapel: trefoiled piscina with hoodmould, head stops and moulded bowl; blank reredos panel with foliate frieze, and tripartite niche above with re-set C13 figure of Virgin and Child beneath central cinquefoiled arch with crocketed ogee hoodmould and crocketed sub-cusped gable, flanked by pinnacled buttress shafts and smaller trefoiled
ogee arches with crocketed hoodmoulds; lierne vault with moulded ribs,
carved bosses and a fine hollow pendant lantern boss bearing carved reliefs
of St John, St Catherine, and the Annunciation.

West aisle to south transept has original corbels and springers carrying inserted vaulting.

Compound pointed chancel arch with fillet mouldings dying into walls with foliate corbels below, and roll-moulded jambs and ornate corbels for former rood loft.

Chancel: stone benches; fine triple sedilia with adjoining piscina has buttress shafts with blind tracery and crocketed gabled pinnacles supporting richly-crocketed ogee arches with ornate finials above the sill string course; very fine Easter sepulchre to north side, flanked by
similar buttress shafts with crocketed gabled pinnacles, has tripartite lower relief panel depicting sleeping soldiers beneath richly-crocketed ogee arches, blank panel above with inserted C20 aumbry, relief panel with rising Christ flanked by angels, and niche above with sub-cusped crocketed ogee arch.

Collared rafter roofs throughout, that to chancel restored, with ornate ashlar moulding to wall plate.

Monuments. Chancel: black marble matrix with indents for priest effigy and inscribed border, another with indents for small plaques at centre and corners; inscribed brass plate on north wall to John Duncalfe and family of 1637 with inscribed arms; another
on south wall to Mrs Emot Shaw of 1652.

South transept: mutilated effigy (from Kilnsea Church) of a woman beneath crocketed ogee canopy, oval wall tablets to Elizabeth and John Featherstone of 1796 and 1802, late C18 -
early C19 floorslabs.

North transept: wall tablets in south aisle to Mary Robinson of 1763 with urn finial, to Mary French of 1782 with fluted pilasters and frieze, to Robert Robinson of 1783 with carved frieze and scrolled pediment, in north aisle to Mary Pearson of 1800 with pediment and urn, on north wall to George French of 1802 with draped urn, oval tablets to Susanna and John Featherstone of 1804 and 1805.

Fittings. Fine C14 limestone ashlar font: 12-sided bowl with blind arcading of richly-crocketed
gables on pinnacled buttress shafts and 2-light panels with varied infilling of curvilinear tracery, foliage and animals; short moulded pedestal and stepped base.

Late C14 oak chancel screen, altered in 1487 and restored in C19, of 5 bays: 2-light blind traceried lower panels with ornate crocketed tracery and carved spandrels, frieze with carved paterae, pointed 2-light upper panels with crocketed ogee lights, wider central round-headed opening with blind traceried doors and sub-cusped ogee arch with crocketed
curvilinear tracery, and restored upper section with pinnacled buttress shafts and frieze.

Octagonal panelled oak pulpit dated 1612 with carved principals and upper panels, later octagonal tester and steps with wrought- ron balustrade.

2 bench pews of 1684, formerly from Hildyard family pew, at west end of nave.

An exceptionally fine church, known as the "Queen of Holderness".

N Pevsner, The Buildings of England: Yorkshire, East Riding, 1972, pp 322-324;

G Poulson, The History and Antiquities of Holderness, 1840, pp 447-459;

D Young, A Guide to the Parish Church of St Patrick, Patrington,

1978; Victoria County History: York, East Riding, vol 5, 1984, p 108

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