St. Patrick's Social events 2024
Christmas Market Saturday/Sunday 23/24 November 2024 10:00 - 4:00
Other Local Church events
Fridays at 11am Fareshare Shop at All Saints’ Easington
Wednesday 4th December “Christmas Live! Nativity with real animals. 6.30pm at Valley Gardens, Withernsea. For more details contact Rev. Philip West 01964 603199 or Rev. Clive Hall 01964 781791 or 07804530120
Friday 20th December Tunstall Carol Service with mulled wine and mince pies 6.30pm
Events in pictures -
Christmas Market November 2021
Dorothy and Edith
Refreshments Ladies
Lynn in festive mood.
Harvest Auction October 2021
Our lovely ladies preparing the supper
Rev. Alisdair, wife Ann, Churchwarden Chris and wife Anita
Frank and party enjoying the evening
Gill and Ruth relaxing after the preparatory work.
William, Treasurer and Secretary imbibing
Pam, William, Helen and Simon
Open weekend tower tours August 2021
iIn the ringing room oin front of the clock mechanism.
Another party - one of about thirty.
In the space under the spire at the top of the tower.
A mixed age party - all enjoying the experience.